Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend Roundup

Well, this weekend actually went pretty decent.

Friday i believe, i signed up with Carribean Sun Poker through PSO. 40$ a month free for playing 200 raked hands, 50$ signup bonus, and even though the site is small... and ive had to play 15/25 cent PLO8 instead of my normal limit..... im sitting at 220$ over the course of 3 days from 100$ ... not bad at alllllll

Last night i came back from a home game and really wanted to play... CSO didnt have a good game running but i saw a game on full tilt that intrigued me... 1/2 limit 08 at a full table... never see that happening

sat for 20 dollars, an hour later i stand with 60... very very good table and very good run... i'm over 100 bucks on full tilt for the first time in a while

Neteller 298
Carr. Sun 217
FTP 112
Jetset 55

Total : $682

note : 290$ total startup cost (100 for absolute 190 for other various deposits over last year)

profit : $392

i really wanna cash that 290$ out so im playing purely on winnings... but i dont wanna spread myself real thin if i need to back myself up somewhere

i think im at least gonna get my startup money down to 200 just so i dont tilt it all away


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